The GPCEE (Gas Particle Collision Exploration Environment) is an extensible model of the behavior of gas particles in a box. This model was created using StarLogo modeling language.

For detailed instructions on using the program, take a look at the info window from the GPCEE model.

Download the StarLogoT source code for the GPCEE model:
The gpcee model is not currently available.

Click on one of the pictures to see a quicktime movie of the model:
Random Gas Particles (2 M)
Random Position Particles: 1000 molecules positioned randomly on the screen, all with mass 5 and initial velocity 5. Displays a histogram of the velocities of the molecules after each 100 clock cycles (lasting a total of 300 clock cycles and about 320 frames). (234 k)
Non-Random Gas Particles (1.7 M)
All-Center Gas Particles: 500 molecules all positioned in the center of the box, with mass 2 and initial velocity 2. (100 clock cycles / 100 frames) (195 k)
All-Corners Gas Particles: 500 molecules all positioned in the corner of the box, with mass 2 and initial velocity 2. (100 clock cycles / 100 frames) (234 k)

GPCEE HISTOGRAMS generated by the model are also available.