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NetLogo 1.3.1 Downloads

Attention Windows users:

  • NetLogo runs fastest and is most reliable with the IBM 1.1 VM. Therefore we strongly recommend the "Includes Java VM" option. (Questions? See below.)
  • If you are running anti-virus software there may be a long pause (as much as two minutes) near the end of the download process.

Attention Mac OS X users:

  • If you are installing under Mac OS X, you must choose the Mac OS X download. The installer for Mac OS 8 or 9 does not work properly on OS X.

includes Java VM
without Java VM
Download (15.3 MB)
Download (10.4 MB)
Mac OS X
Download (9.7 MB)
Mac OS 8 or 9
Download (14.3 MB)
Download (10.5 MB)
Other Java-enabled Platforms
Download (7.1 MB)

Windows Details:

  • We strongly recommend the "includes Java VM" download option.
  • Choosing this download option installs IBM's 1.1.8 VM for NetLogo's private use only. Other programs on your system are not affected.
  • NetLogo runs much faster on this VM than any other VM, and is more reliable.
  • Even if you have downloaded NetLogo before, you should still choose "Includes Java VM". The bundled VM is not shared between different versions of NetLogo.
  • You should only choose the "without Java VM" download if either:
    • You have already, separately and independently from any NetLogo download, installed the IBM 1.1 VM on your system yourself.
    • You are certain you wish to try using a VM other than our recommended VM.

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Mac OS X Details:

  • Once downloaded, NetLogo may be run either as a native OS X application, or in the Classic environment.

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Mac OS 8 or 9 Details:

  • After downloading, double-click NetLogo1.3.1Installer
  • If you do not already have Macintosh Runtime for Java version 2.2.5 on your system, or if you are not sure, be sure to download the package above which includes it.
  • The installer is MacBinary encoded and will be automatically decoded after downloading.
    If it does not, you can decode it using StuffIt Expander 4.5 or later.

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Other Platform Details:

  • Be sure you have Java 1.1.8 or later installed. Newer Java versions such as 1.3, 1.4, or 1.4.1 should work even better. You can download Java from Sun's site.
  • The download is in the form of a .tar.gz file. You may untar this file into any directory.
  • Once untarred, the NetLogo application is in the NetLogo.jar file in the netlogo-1.3.1 folder.
  • The method for starting the application may be different depending on your operating system and Java virtual machine. You may be able to just double-click the NetLogo.jar file in your file manager. Or, a typical sequence of commands on a Unix-style machine would be:
    cd netlogo-1.3.1
    java -jar NetLogo.jar
  • For the computer HubNet client, substitute HubNet.jar for NetLogo.jar.

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Installers created with InstallAnywhere.
InstallAnywhere is a registered trademark of Zero G Software, Inc.
Mac OS is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Java is a trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other marks are properties of their respective owners.