Interface Turtle3D

All Superinterfaces:
Agent, Turtle
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Turtle3D, TurtleStamp3D

public interface Turtle3D
extends Turtle

Method Summary
 double dx()
          Returns the x component of the forward vector
 double dy()
          Returns the y component of the forward vector
 double dz()
          Returns the z component of the forward vector
 double pitch()
          Returns the value of the pitch variable
 double roll()
          Returns the value of the roll variable
 double zcor()
          Returns the value of the zcor variable
Methods inherited from interface org.nlogo.api.Turtle
cachedShape, cachedShape, color, getBreed, getBreedIndex, getPatchHere, hasLabel, heading, heading, hidden, jump, labelColor, labelString, lineThickness, xcor, ycor
Methods inherited from interface org.nlogo.api.Agent
classDisplayName, getVariable, id, setVariable, shape, size, world

Method Detail


double pitch()
Returns the value of the pitch variable


double roll()
Returns the value of the roll variable


double zcor()
Returns the value of the zcor variable


double dx()
Returns the x component of the forward vector


double dy()
Returns the y component of the forward vector


double dz()
Returns the z component of the forward vector