Class LinkStamp3D

  extended by org.nlogo.agent.LinkStamp3D
All Implemented Interfaces:
Agent, Link, Link3D, LinkStamp3D

public class LinkStamp3D
extends Object
implements LinkStamp3D

Method Summary
 String classDisplayName()
          Returns a displayable name of this type of agent (Turtle, Link, Patch, Observer)
 Object color()
          Returns the value of the color variable
 Turtle end1()
          Returns the first end point of this link.
 Turtle end2()
          Returns the second end point of this link.
 AgentSet getBreed()
          Returns the breed AgentSet associated with this link, if the link is unbreeded returns the all links AgentSet
 int getBreedIndex()
          Returns the index of the breed of this link
 Object getVariable(int vn)
          Returns the value of the variable in the given position of the agent variable array
 boolean hasLabel()
          Returns true if there is a value in the label variable
 double heading()
          Returns the heading towards end2 from end1
 boolean hidden()
          Returns the value of the hidden?
 long id()
          Returns the id number of this agent.
 boolean isDirectedLink()
          Returns true if this link is directed
 Object labelColor()
          Returns the value of the label-color variable
 String labelString()
          Returns the value of the label variable
 double lineThickness()
          Returns the value of the thinkness variable
 double linkDestinationSize()
          Returns the size of end2
 double midpointX()
          Returns the x-coordinate of the midpoint of this link taking wrapping in account.
 double midpointY()
          Returns the y-coordinate of the midpoint of this link taking wrapping in account.
 double pitch()
          Returns the pitch towards end2 from end1
 double pointBetweenMidpointAndEnd2X(double c)
 double pointBetweenMidpointAndEnd2Y(double c)
 void setVariable(int vn, Object value)
          Sets the variable in the position vn of the agent variable array to value
 String shape()
          Returns the name of the current shape, empty string in the case of patches.
 double size()
          Returns the size of this agent
 World world()
          Returns the world object associated with this agent
 double x1()
          Returns the x-coordinate of end1
 double x2()
          Returns the x-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world
 double y1()
          Returns the y-coordinate of end1
 double y2()
          Returns the y-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world
 double z1()
          Returns the z-coordinate of end1
 double z2()
          Returns the z-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public String shape()
Description copied from interface: Agent
Returns the name of the current shape, empty string in the case of patches.

Specified by:
shape in interface Agent


public Object color()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the value of the color variable

Specified by:
color in interface Link


public double lineThickness()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the value of the thinkness variable

Specified by:
lineThickness in interface Link


public double x1()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the x-coordinate of end1

Specified by:
x1 in interface Link


public double y1()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the y-coordinate of end1

Specified by:
y1 in interface Link


public double z1()
Description copied from interface: Link3D
Returns the z-coordinate of end1

Specified by:
z1 in interface Link3D


public double x2()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the x-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world

Specified by:
x2 in interface Link


public double y2()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the y-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world

Specified by:
y2 in interface Link


public double z2()
Description copied from interface: Link3D
Returns the z-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world

Specified by:
z2 in interface Link3D


public double midpointX()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the x-coordinate of the midpoint of this link taking wrapping in account.

Specified by:
midpointX in interface Link


public double midpointY()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the y-coordinate of the midpoint of this link taking wrapping in account.

Specified by:
midpointY in interface Link


public boolean isDirectedLink()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns true if this link is directed

Specified by:
isDirectedLink in interface Link


public double linkDestinationSize()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the size of end2

Specified by:
linkDestinationSize in interface Link


public double heading()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the heading towards end2 from end1

Specified by:
heading in interface Link


public double pitch()
Description copied from interface: Link3D
Returns the pitch towards end2 from end1

Specified by:
pitch in interface Link3D


public double size()
Description copied from interface: Agent
Returns the size of this agent

Specified by:
size in interface Agent


public boolean hasLabel()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns true if there is a value in the label variable

Specified by:
hasLabel in interface Link


public String labelString()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the value of the label variable

Specified by:
labelString in interface Link


public Object labelColor()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the value of the label-color variable

Specified by:
labelColor in interface Link


public boolean hidden()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the value of the hidden? variable

Specified by:
hidden in interface Link


public double pointBetweenMidpointAndEnd2X(double c)


public double pointBetweenMidpointAndEnd2Y(double c)


public long id()
Description copied from interface: Agent
Returns the id number of this agent. The who number in the case of a turtle, index into the array in the case of patches

Specified by:
id in interface Agent


public AgentSet getBreed()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the breed AgentSet associated with this link, if the link is unbreeded returns the all links AgentSet

Specified by:
getBreed in interface Link


public Turtle end1()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the first end point of this link. If the link is directed this is the source turtle if the link is undirected it is the turtle with the lower who number.

Specified by:
end1 in interface Link


public Turtle end2()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the second end point of this link. If the link is directed this is the destination turtle if the link is undirected it is the turtle with the higher who number.

Specified by:
end2 in interface Link


public int getBreedIndex()
Description copied from interface: Link
Returns the index of the breed of this link

Specified by:
getBreedIndex in interface Link


public World world()
Description copied from interface: Agent
Returns the world object associated with this agent

Specified by:
world in interface Agent


public String classDisplayName()
Description copied from interface: Agent
Returns a displayable name of this type of agent (Turtle, Link, Patch, Observer)

Specified by:
classDisplayName in interface Agent


public void setVariable(int vn,
                        Object value)
Description copied from interface: Agent
Sets the variable in the position vn of the agent variable array to value

Specified by:
setVariable in interface Agent
vn - the index into the agent variable array
value - the new value for the variable


public Object getVariable(int vn)
Description copied from interface: Agent
Returns the value of the variable in the given position of the agent variable array

Specified by:
getVariable in interface Agent
vn - the index into the agent variable array