Interface Link3D

All Superinterfaces:
Agent, Link
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Link3D, LinkStamp3D

public interface Link3D
extends Link

Method Summary
 double pitch()
          Returns the pitch towards end2 from end1
 double z1()
          Returns the z-coordinate of end1
 double z2()
          Returns the z-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world
Methods inherited from interface org.nlogo.api.Link
color, end1, end2, getBreed, getBreedIndex, hasLabel, heading, hidden, isDirectedLink, labelColor, labelString, lineThickness, linkDestinationSize, midpointX, midpointY, x1, x2, y1, y2
Methods inherited from interface org.nlogo.api.Agent
classDisplayName, getVariable, id, setVariable, shape, size, world

Method Detail


double z1()
Returns the z-coordinate of end1


double z2()
Returns the z-coordinate of end2 this coordinate is "unwrapped" so it may actually be outside the bounds of the world


double pitch()
Returns the pitch towards end2 from end1